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Bear Learn Read

4.0 ( 6800 ratings )
Utbildning Böcker
Utvecklare: Gateway International Education Service

Touch Cloudbear or Treekitty, and to see how he or she will interact with you. Go with Cloudbear and Treekitty to discover the fun part of the story.

Cloudbear had a mailbox that he never used. He couldn’t read or write. The mailbox just sat there empty.

Treekitty tried to get him to agree to learn how to read and write, but Cloudbear thought it would be too much trouble. Every time Treekitty brought it up, he would say that his ears were bothering him and pretended not to hear her.

Early the next morning, Cloudbear was woken by Mr. Pelican. “Gahhh! Cloudbear! You’ve got a letter!”

Cloudbear thought Mr. Pelican must have made a mistake. No one writes to Cloudbear because everyone knows he can’t read.

He unfolded the letter carefully with his giant paws and saw that there were some tiny squiggles on the shiny leaf.

Cloudbear felt nervous and wondered who would have sent him a letter.